

The Lost Civilization of Man

Sant Angelo castle and the angel Michael was seen above it


we traveled to St Angelo Castle in Rome to get acquainted with this huge castle and story behind it.

This building was first built by Hadrian, the Roman Emperor, as a tomb for him and his family. But later in history, with changes made to it as a tomb for several other emperors, the castle, the prison, a haven for the popes and the garrison for Napoleonic forces. But this building has become a museum today

The Hadrian ash was placed in the tomb in 138. There were also several emperors ashes in this tomb Before Septimus Soros. In the year 590 BC, the plague struck the city of Rome. and Pope Gregorian led a group of people to confronting with this disease

According to narratives, suddenly an angel with a sword appeared on the top of the tomb. The emergence of this angel was considered a sign of the plague's subsidence. And Pope Gregory, built a small church in the castle. That angel was the Michael.   And after that, the castle was known as the St. Angelo.

Today, an angelic sculpture that opens its wings above the building of the castle is a memorial to the same angel of Michael. the modern statue is made of bronze in 1700, replacing the original statue of the angel whose genus was made of marble

To get into this castle, you must cross a sloping and maze path. While your path is up, but as you move forward, it gives you the feeling that you are entering the underground world. Eventually you arrived at the Tombs

This castle includes a hidden path connecting the Vatican to St. Angelo. During an attack that took place in Rome in 1527, Pope Clement VII could save his life and escape from this secret path.

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This room is the name : Sala di Amore e Psiche   Paintings on the ceiling is by the famous Italian painter Perin del Vaga.

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