

Most viewed of: Health

Breaking the body aging code and reversing the aging process

If you had an algorithm that could give you perfect health, would you be willing to say yes to this protocol? Well, you might say that we can never break the rules and patterns of this world. Yes, app....


Get Rid of Cancer by Nature

Vida is the person who was diagnosed with 4 cancers at the same time, so that American doctors were unable to treat her. Vida now had only a month to live. But he did not give up and sought a solution....


What is Giloy? And its health benefits

Giloy is an essential and widely used medicine in Ayurveda and traditional medicine and is used to treat a wide range of diseases and ailments. In this article, we will get acquainted with the healing....


What is the fifth generation of technology? 5G

Imagine the Internet a hundred times faster than it is now, self-driving cars, advanced drones, virtual reality, massive machine-to-machine communication, or a city full of robots. Imagine being able....


How to detoxify the body

Human is nothing but a species in a large ecosystem of a natural world. In fact, this nature is part of us and we are part of nature. So when we see ourselves as part of nature, we have to live with n....